Terry Jones has dementia

Already mentioned in the "news today" thread, but worthy of a separate thread.


Terribly sad, even though there were signs at the last Python shows and interviews.

We all have to grow old and decline (unless we die young in an accident/murder/suicide/whatever). So sad when it happens to our heroes or loved ones.

74 seems too young for such a fate. Is dementia mainly due to a genetic predisposition? Or is health and lifestyle a bigger factor? Healthy diet, healthy weight, regular exercise, no heavy boozing and all that. Would that Dr Tim Walker still posted here, so he could give his expert opinion and comedy.

A shame that Cleese was unpleasant to Jones in his autobiography.

Still, we have plenty of great scenes, songs and books to enjoy. "Well, how are you, then, officer?"

Shitty news.

At least he hasn't got dementia.

Such a brainy comic actor and writer. What a shame.

I've never heard of it being hereditary, still lots of work and research needed into this cruel disease.

I think they still struggle to know the cause. You read all sorts of advice on how to avoid it - do crosswords for instance. My mother was a crossword addict but it didn't stop her developing Alzheimer's.

Very sad news.