Comedy Poster Awards

Girl World (2018)

The poster for Girl World

Camille Dawson (co-writer of Girl World): 'Girl World' came from a really freaky drawing I made as a kid. When I was eight-years-old, me and two sisters, Molly and Una Richards, found a big roll of wallpaper. Upon it, we began a drawing that came to be called Girl World. It depicted a girls'-eye utopia with everything a pre-teen female could dream about. Working on it for weeks, then months, it became a huge scroll-of-a-world, with expansive femme-tastic landscapes.

As the scroll unfurled, Girl World began to stray from its origins. We became fascinated with the idea of boys, and then of sex. In spite of maintaining the rule that boys were banned from Girl World, we found subversive ways of sneaking them in. Paper engineering revealed naughty happenings: a girl might seem as if she was taking an innocent jacuzzi, but lift the flap and you behold a scene where she is having outrageous sex beneath. This was naughty and fun and we egged each other on to conceive more outrageous ideas. Soon there were zones where you could see boys locked in cages; then a huge insemination tank popped up where the girls would arrive with waiting receptacles.

We embedded our piece as if within this anarchic drawing, the two girls of the show living within it. This poster reflects that; two girls trapped battling in their own subversive, pop-tastic imaginations.

Ally Whitaker & Linus Dawson
Girl World

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