2015 Edinburgh Fringe

Chris Cook answers 10 Edinburgh Fringe Questions

Chris Cook

Chris Cook blends comedy and magic together in his shows. He says the ending of his show this year might change your life.

1. Tell us about your career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

I've been working as a magician for ten years now. I first started doing magic in restaurants and at weddings and then later moved to the stage. I started incorporating magic into stand-up comedy when I was at Leeds University and realised I'd hit upon a bit of a niche that people seemed to love. I now work full-time as both a close-up magician at weddings and parties, as well as doing comedy magic shows on stage.

2. Describe your show in exactly 23 words.

An interactive comedy magic show that will might just change your life. Or it might not. Wait, that's only twenty two words. Poo.

3. Why are you putting yourself through this famously stressful experience?

Because I've always wanted to start going bald at 25.

4. Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

I can do a bit of pickpocketing so I may operate on a "watch the show and I'll give you your wallet back" basis.

5. How much money do you think you'll lose/make this year?

Last year I actually made a really great profit (most of which I spent on cocktails). This year, if I don't have to sell my car by the end of it, I think I need to consider it a success.

6. What's your weirdest past Fringe experience?

Last year I had a girl join me on stage that it turns out I had performed for in New York over 7 years ago. I asked her why she came to the show and she said "To see if you were any good yet".

Chris Cook

7. What other shows are you hoping to see?

I'm really excited to see Paul Currie returning to the Fringe with his anarchist clowning. I also became a Lewis Schaffer convert last year. He completely failed to make me laugh once for an entire hour then I walked out and said "I think that was the funniest show I've ever seen..." Other things I'm excited for include some frequent favourites of mine: Stewart Lee, the fantastic poet Luke Wright, magic-duo Griffin and Jones and as many circus shows as I can fit in!

8. If you took over programming a venue, what would your perfect line-up of comedians be?

I think I would bring Bill Hicks back from the dead then charge top whack for a ticket. You know, because he'd love me putting dollar signs on everything.

Actually, I would probably organise a good, old-fashioned vaudeville show. Cabaret seems to be making a much needed resurgence so I'd host an evening of magicians, jugglers, ventriloquists, circus acts and music all interspersed with alternative comedy acts.

9. Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.

Last year a really friendly magician contacted me and asked if I could perform as part of his open-mic magic show as a special guest. That day I ended up catching up with friends I hadn't seen in ages and by the time I came on stage at the magic club I was really drunk. I did a truly terrible performance then afterwards ran out of the venue and went and cried on the Royal Mile about what a tit I'd been. So if I ran into the organiser again I would have to hang my head in shame. He seemed like such a nice guy and I was such a knobhead.
Wow. Glad I got that off my chest.

10. Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,700+ other comedy offerings at this year's festival?

Because it's unlike any magic show you will have never seen before. If you were expecting to see me in tight leather pants producing doves from my sleeves then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. But if you want to be a part of an interactive show and witness impossible things happen right in front of your eyes then this is for you! Plus, the ending might just change your life...

If that wasn't enough, then I can at least guarantee that it's the best comedy-magic show on at midday.

'Chris Cook: Truth or Dare' is at 12pm at The Voodoo Rooms on 8-16, 18-30 August. Listing

Published: Tuesday 28th July 2015

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